=begin == NAME tDiary: the "tsukkomi-able" web diary system. tdiary.rb $Revision: $ Copyright (C) 2001-2002, TADA Tadashi =end TDIARY_VERSION = '1.4.3' require 'cgi' require 'nkf' require 'pstore' require 'erb/erbl' =begin == String class enhanced String class =end class String def to_euc NKF::nkf( '-m0 -e', self ) end def to_sjis NKF::nkf( '-m0 -s', self ) end def to_jis NKF::nkf( '-m0 -j', self ) end def make_link r = %r<(((http[s]{0,1}|ftp)://[\(\)%#!/0-9a-zA-Z_$@.&+-,'"*=;?:~-]+)|([0-9a-zA-Z_.-]+@[\(\)%!0-9a-zA-Z_$.&+-,'"*-]+\.[\(\)%!0-9a-zA-Z_$.&+-,'"*-]+))> return self. gsub( ' ', "\001" ). gsub( '<', "\002" ). gsub( '>', "\003" ). gsub( '&', '&' ). gsub( r ){ $1 == $2 ? "#$2" : "#$4" }. gsub( "\003", '>' ). gsub( "\002", '<' ). gsub( "\001", ' ' ). gsub( "\t", ' ' * 8 ) end end =begin == CGI class enhanced CGI class =end class CGI def valid?( param, idx = 0 ) self[param] and self[param][idx] and self[param][idx].length > 0 end def mobile_agent? self.user_agent =~ %r[(DoCoMo|J-PHONE|UP\.Browser|ASTEL|PDXGW|Palmscape|Xiino|sharp pda browser|Windows CE|L-mode)]i end end =begin == Safe module =end require 'thread' module Safe def safe( level = 4 ) result = nil Thread.start { $SAFE = level result = yield }.join result end module_function :safe end =begin == Paragraph class Management a paragraph. =end class Paragraph attr_reader :subtitle, :body def initialize( fragment, author = nil ) @author = author lines = fragment.split( /\n+/ ) if lines.size > 1 then if /^<= limit yield ary end end def newer_referer unless @new_referer then # for compatibility @referers.keys.each do |ref| count = @referers[ref] if count.type != Array then @referers.delete( ref ) @referers[CGI::unescape( ref )] = [count, ref] end end @new_referer = true end end def reset_referer; @referers = {}; end def add_comment( com ) if @comments[-1] != com then @comments << com @last_modified = Time::now com else nil end end def count_comments( all = false ) i = 0 @comments.each do |comment| i += 1 if all or comment.visible? end i end def each_comment( limit = 3 ) @comments.each_with_index do |com,idx| break if idx >= limit yield com end end def each_comment_tail( limit = 3 ) idx = 0 comments = @comments.collect {|c| idx += 1 if c.visible? then [c, idx] else nil end }.compact s = comments.size - limit s = 0 if s < 0 for idx in s...comments.size yield comments[idx] end end def reset_comment; @comments = []; end def eval_rhtml( opt, path = '.' ) ERbLight::new( File::open( "#{path}/skel/#{opt['prefix']}diary.rhtml" ){|f| f.read }.untaint ).result( binding ) end def disp_referer( table, ref ) ref = CGI::unescape( ref ) str = nil table.each do |url, name| if /#{url}/i =~ ref then str = ref.gsub( /#{url}/in, name ) break end end str ? str.to_euc : ref.to_euc end def visible?; @show != false; end def show( s ); @show = s; end def to_s "date=#{@date.strftime('%Y%m%d')}, title=#{@title}, body=[#{@paragraphs.join('][')}]" end end =begin == TDiary class tDiary CGI =end class TDiary class TDiaryError < StandardError; end class PermissionError < TDiaryError; end class PluginError < TDiaryError; end class Plugin attr_reader :cookies def initialize( params ) @header_procs = [] @update_procs = [] @body_enter_procs = [] @body_leave_procs = [] @cookies = [] params.each_key do |key| eval( "@#{key} = params['#{key}']" ) end end def eval_src( src, secure ) @body_enter_procs.taint @body_leave_procs.taint return Safe::safe( secure ? 4 : 1 ) do eval( src ) end end private def add_header_proc( block = proc ) @header_procs << block end def header_proc r = [] @header_procs.each do |proc| r << proc.call end r.join.chomp end def add_update_proc( block = proc ) @update_procs << block end def update_proc @update_procs.each do |proc| proc.call end '' end def add_body_enter_proc( block = proc ) @body_enter_procs << block end def body_enter_proc( date ) r = [] @body_enter_procs.each do |proc| r << proc.call( date ) end r.join end def add_body_leave_proc( block = proc ) @body_leave_procs << block end def body_leave_proc( date ) r = [] @body_leave_procs.each do |proc| r << proc.call( date ) end r.join end def add_cookie( cookie ) @cookies << cookie end def method_missing( *m ) super if @debug # ignore when no plugin end end PATH = File::dirname( __FILE__ ) attr_reader :cookies def initialize( cgi, rhtml ) @cgi = cgi @diaries = {} @cookies = [] @rhtml = rhtml load_conf end def eval_rhtml( prefix = '' ) if cache_enable?( prefix ) then r = File::open( "#{cache_path}/#{cache_file( prefix )}" ) {|f| f.read } else files = ["header.rhtml", @rhtml, "footer.rhtml"] rhtml = files.collect {|file| File::open( "#{PATH}/skel/#{prefix}#{file}" ) {|f| f.read } }.join r = ERbLight::new( rhtml.untaint ).result( binding ) r = ERbLight::new( r ).src save_cache( r, prefix ) end # apply plugins begin plugin = load_plugins r = plugin.eval_src( r.untaint, @secure ) if plugin @cookies += plugin.cookies rescue PluginError raise rescue Exception r = ERbLight::new( File::open( "#{PATH}/skel/plugin_error.rhtml" ) {|f| f.read } ).result( binding ) end return r end protected def load_conf @secure = true unless @secure @options = {} eval( File::open( "tdiary.conf" ){|f| f.read }.untaint ) @data_path += '/' if /\/$/ !~ @data_path @smtp_port = 25 unless @smtp_port @index = './' unless @index @update = 'update.rb' unless @update @options = {} unless @options.type == Hash @author_name = @auther_name unless @author_name @author_mail = @auther_mail unless @author_mail @index_page = '' unless @index_page @date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' unless @date_format @theme = 'default' if not @theme and not @css @no_referer = [] unless @no_referer @no_referer2 = [] unless @no_referer2 @no_referer = @no_referer2 + @no_referer @referer_table = [] unless @referer_table @referer_table2 = [] unless @referer_table2 @referer_table = @referer_table2 + @referer_table @mail_on_comment = false unless @mail_on_comment @mail_receivers = [@author_mail] if not @mail_receivers or @mail_receivers.size == 0 @mail_header = '' unless @mail_header @hour_offset = 0 unless @hour_offset @text_output_path << '/' if @text_output_path and /\/$/ !~ @text_output_path end def load_cgi_conf raise TDiaryError, 'No @data_path variable.' unless @data_path @data_path += '/' if /\/$/ !~ @data_path raise TDiaryError, 'Do not set @data_path as same as tDiary system directory.' if @data_path == "#{PATH}/" variables = [ :author_name, :author_mail, :index_page, :html_title, :header, :footer, :paragraph_anchor, :comment_anchor, :date_format, :latest_limit, :theme, :css, :show_comment, :comment_limit, :show_referer, :referer_limit, :no_referer2, :referer_table2, :mail_on_comment, :mail_header, :hour_offset, ] begin cgi_conf = File::open( "#{@data_path}tdiary.conf" ){|f| f.read } cgi_conf.untaint unless @secure def_vars = "" variables.each do |var| def_vars << "#{var} = nil\n" end eval( def_vars ) Safe::safe( @secure ? 4 : 1 ) do eval( cgi_conf ) end variables.each do |var| eval "@#{var} = #{var} if #{var} != nil" end rescue IOError, Errno::ENOENT rescue @error = $!.dup @error << "
#{$@.join '
'}" if $DEBUG end end def load_plugins make_years unless @years plugin = Plugin::new( { 'mode' => self.type.to_s.sub( /^TDiary/, '' ).downcase, 'diaries' => @diaries, 'cgi' => @cgi, 'years' => @years, 'cache_path' => cache_path, 'index' => @index, 'update' => @update, 'author_name' => @author_name || '', 'author_mail' => @author_mail || '', 'index_page' => @index_page || '', 'html_title' => @html_title || '', 'theme' => @theme, 'css' => @css, 'date' => @date, 'date_format' => @date_format, 'referer_table' => @referer_table, 'options' => @options, } ) plugin_file = '' begin Dir::glob( "#{PATH}/plugin/*.rb" ).sort.each do |file| plugin_file = file open( plugin_file.untaint ) do |src| plugin.instance_eval( src.read.untaint ) end end rescue Exception raise PluginError::new( "Plugin error in '#{File::basename( plugin_file )}'.\n#{$!}" ) end return plugin end # # block must be return boolean which dirty diaries. # def transaction( date, diaries = {} ) filename = date.strftime( "#{@data_path}%Y%m" ) begin PStore::new( filename ).transaction do |db| dirty = false begin diaries.update( db['diary'] ) rescue PStore::Error end dirty = yield( diaries ) if iterator? if dirty then db['diary'] = diaries else db.abort end end rescue PStore::Error, NameError, Errno::EACCES raise PermissionError::new( 'make your @data_path to writable via httpd.' ) end File::delete( filename ) if diaries.empty? return diaries end def text_save( diary ) if @text_output File::open( "#{@text_output_path}#{diary.date.strftime( '%Y%m%d' )}", 'w' ) do |o| o.puts diary.title diary.each_paragraph do |p| o.write p.text end end end end def []( date ) @diaries[date.strftime( '%Y%m%d' )] end def <<( diary ) @diaries[diary.date.strftime( '%Y%m%d' )] = diary end def delete( date ) @diaries.delete( date.strftime( '%Y%m%d' ) ) end def cache_path "#{@data_path}cache" end def cache_file( prefix ) nil end def cache_enable?( prefix ) cache_file( prefix ) and FileTest::file?( "#{cache_path}/#{cache_file( prefix )}" ) end def save_cache( cache, prefix ) unless FileTest::directory?( cache_path ) then Dir::mkdir( cache_path ) end if cache_file( prefix ) then File::open( "#{cache_path}/#{cache_file( prefix )}", 'w' ) do |f| f.write( cache ) end end end def clear_cache Dir::glob( "#{cache_path}/*.r[bh]*" ).each do |c| File::delete( c.untaint ) end end def make_years @years = {} Dir["#{@data_path}??????"].sort.each do |file| year, month = file.scan( %r[/(\d{4})(\d\d)$] )[0] next unless year @years[year] = [] unless @years[year] @years[year] << month end end end class TDiaryAdmin < TDiary def initialize( cgi, rhtml ) super begin @date = Time::local( @cgi['year'][0].to_i, @cgi['month'][0].to_i, @cgi['day'][0].to_i ) rescue ArgumentError, NameError raise TDiaryError, 'bad date' end end end class TDiaryAppend < TDiaryAdmin def initialize( cgi, rhtml ) super @title = @cgi['title'][0].to_euc @body = @cgi['body'][0].to_euc @author = @multi_user ? @cgi.remote_user : nil @hide = @cgi['hide'][0] ? true : false updatetime = Time::now updatetimestr = updatetime.strftime(" \[%H:%M\]") bodylines = @body.split(/\n/) if bodylines.size > 0 then bodylines[0] += updatetimestr end @body = bodylines.join("\n") transaction( @date, @diaries = {} ) do @diary = self[@date] || Diary::new( @date, @title, '' ) self << @diary.append( @body, @author ) @diary.title = @title unless @title.empty? @diary.show( ! @hide ) text_save( @diary ) true end end end class TDiaryEdit < TDiaryAdmin def initialize( cgi, rhtml ) super #raise TDiaryError, 'cannot edit in multi user mode' if @multi_user transaction( @date, @diaries = {} ) do @diary = self[@date] || Diary::new( @date, '', '' ) false end end end class TDiaryReplace < TDiaryAdmin def initialize( cgi, rhtml ) super @title = @cgi['title'][0].to_euc @body = @cgi['body'][0].to_euc old_date = Time::local( *@cgi['old'][0].scan( /(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)/ )[0] ) @hide = @cgi['hide'][0] ? true : false transaction( @date, @diaries = {} ) do if old = self[old_date] then delete( old_date ) @diary = old.replace( @date, @title, @body ) else @diary = Diary::new( @date, @title, @body ) end @diary.show( ! @hide ) self << @diary text_save( @diary ) true end end end class TDiaryForm < TDiaryAdmin def initialize( cgi, rhtml ) begin super rescue TDiaryError end @date = Time::now + (@hour_offset * 3600).to_i @diary = Diary::new( @date, '', '' ) end end class TDiaryShowComment < TDiaryAdmin def initialize( cgi, rhtml ) super transaction( @date, @diaries = {} ) do dirty = false @diary = self[@date] if @diary then idx = 0 @diary.each_comment( 100 ) do |com| com.show = @cgi[(idx += 1).to_s][0] == 'true' ? true : false; end self << @diary clear_cache dirty = true end dirty end end end class TDiaryConf < TDiary def initialize( cgi, rhtml ) super @themes = [] Dir::glob( "#{PATH}/theme/*.css" ).sort.each do |css| name = css.gsub( %r[(.*/theme/|\.css$)], '') @themes << [name,name.gsub(/_/,' ').capitalize] end end end class TDiarySaveConf < TDiaryConf def initialize( cgi, rhtml ) super @author_name = @cgi['author_name'][0].to_euc @author_mail, = @cgi['author_mail'] @index_page, = @cgi['index_page'] @html_title = @cgi['html_title'][0].to_euc @header = @cgi['header'][0].to_euc.gsub( "\r\n", "\n" ).gsub( "\r", '' ).sub( /\n+\z/, '' ) @footer = @cgi['footer'][0].to_euc.gsub( "\r\n", "\n" ).gsub( "\r", '' ).sub( /\n+\z/, '' ) @paragraph_anchor = @cgi['paragraph_anchor'][0].to_euc @comment_anchor = @cgi['comment_anchor'][0].to_euc @date_format = @cgi['date_format'][0].to_euc @latest_limit = @cgi['latest_limit'][0].to_i @latest_limit = 10 if @latest_limit < 1 @theme, = @cgi['theme'] @css, = @cgi['css'] @show_comment = @cgi['show_comment'][0] == 'true' ? true : false @comment_limit = @cgi['comment_limit'][0].to_i @comment_limit = 3 if @comment_limit < 1 @show_referer = @cgi['show_referer'][0] == 'true' ? true : false @referer_limit = @cgi['referer_limit'][0].to_i @referer_limit = 10 if @referer_limit < 1 @no_referer2 = [] @cgi['no_referer'][0].to_euc.each do |ref| ref.strip! @no_referer2 << ref if ref.length > 0 end @referer_table2 = [] @cgi['referer_table'][0].to_euc.each do |pair| u, n = pair.sub( /[\r\n]+/, '' ).split( /[ \t]+/, 2 ) @referer_table2 << [u,n] if u and n end @mail_on_comment = @cgi['mail_on_comment'][0] == 'true' ? true : false @mail_header, = @cgi['mail_header'] @hour_offset = @cgi['hour_offset'][0].to_f begin result = ERbLight::new( File::open( "#{PATH}/skel/tdiary.rconf" ){|f| f.read }.untaint ).result( binding ) result.untaint unless @secure Safe::safe( @secure ? 4 : 1 ) do eval( result ) end File::open( "#{@data_path}tdiary.conf", 'w' ) do |o| o.print result end clear_cache rescue @error = $!.dup @error << "
#{$@.join '
'}" if $DEBUG end end end class TDiaryView < TDiary def initialize( cgi, rhtml ) super # save referer to latest if referer? ym = latest_month @date = ym ? Time::local( ym[0], ym[1] ) : Time::now transaction( @date, @diaries = {} ) do dirty = false @diaries.keys.sort.reverse_each do |key| @diary = @diaries[key] break if @diary.visible? end #@diary = @diaries[@diaries.keys.sort.reverse[0]] if @diary then @diary.add_referer( @cgi.referer ) dirty = true end dirty end end end def last_modified return @last_modified if @last_modified @last_modified = Time::at( 0 ) @diaries.each_value do |diary| @last_modified = diary.last_modified if @last_modified < diary.last_modified end @last_modified end protected def each_day @diaries.keys.sort.each do |date| diary = @diaries[date] next unless diary.visible? yield diary end end def latest_month result = nil make_years unless @years @years.keys.sort.reverse_each do |year| @years[year.to_s].sort.reverse_each do |month| result = [year, month] break end break end result end def oldest_month result = nil make_years unless @years @years.keys.sort.each do |year| @years[year.to_s].sort.each do |month| result = [year, month] break end break end result end def referer? valid = true if @cgi.referer and %r|^https?://|i =~ @cgi.referer then ref = CGI::unescape( @cgi.referer.sub( /#.*$/, '' ).sub( /\?\d{8}$/, '' ) ) @no_referer.each do |noref| valid = false if /#{noref}/i =~ ref end else valid = false end valid end def cache_enable?( prefix ) super and (File::mtime( "#{cache_path}/#{cache_file( prefix )}" ) > last_modified ) end end class TDiaryDay < TDiaryView def initialize( cgi, rhtml ) super begin # time is noon for easy to calc leap second. load( Time::local( *@cgi['date'][0].scan( /^(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)$/ )[0] ) + 12*60*60 ) rescue ArgumentError, NameError raise TDiaryError, 'bad date' end @diary = nil if @diary and not @diary.visible? end def load( date ) if not @diary or (@diary.date.dup + 12*60*60).gmtime.strftime( '%Y%m%d' ) != date.dup.gmtime.strftime( '%Y%m%d' ) then @date = date transaction( @date, @diaries = {} ) do dirty = false @diary = self[@date] if @diary and referer? then @diary.add_referer( @cgi.referer ) dirty = true end dirty end else @date = date @diary = self[@date] end end def last_modified @diary ? @diary.last_modified : Time::at( 0 ) end protected def cookie_name @cgi.cookies['tdiary'][0] or '' end def cookie_mail @cgi.cookies['tdiary'][1] or '' end end class TDiaryComment < TDiaryDay def initialize( cgi, rhtml ) super end def load( date ) @date = date @name = @cgi['name'][0].to_euc @mail, = @cgi['mail'] @body = @cgi['body'][0].to_euc dirty = false transaction( @date, @diaries = {} ) do @diary = self[@date] if @diary and not (@name.strip.empty? or @body.strip.empty?) then if @diary.add_comment( Comment::new( @name, @mail, @body ) ) then dirty = true cookie_path = File::dirname( @cgi.script_name ) cookie_path += '/' if cookie_path !~ /\/$/ @cookies << CGI::Cookie::new( { 'name' => 'tdiary', 'value' => [@name,@mail], 'path' => cookie_path, 'expires' => Time::now.gmtime + 90*24*60*60 # 90days } ) end end dirty end # sending mail if dirty and @mail_on_comment then require 'socket' name = to_mime( @name.to_jis )[0] body = @body.to_jis mail = @mail mail = @author_mail unless mail =~ %r<[0-9a-zA-Z_.-]+@[\(\)%!0-9a-zA-Z_$@.&+-,'"*-]+> now = Time::now g = now.dup.gmtime l = Time::local( g.year, g.month, g.day, g.hour, g.min, g.sec ) tz = (g.to_i - l.to_i) / 36 date = now.strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %X " ) + sprintf( "%+05d", tz ) serial = @diary.count_comments( true ) message_id = %Q|| mail_header = @mail_header.dup mail_header << ":#{@date_format}" unless /%[a-zA-Z%]/ =~ mail_header mail_header = @date.strftime( mail_header ) mail_header = to_mime( mail_header.to_jis ).join( "\n " ) if /[\x80-\xff]/ =~ mail_header text = ERbLight::new( File::open( "#{PATH}/skel/mail.rtxt" ){|f| f.read }.untaint ).result( binding ) sendmail( text ) end end protected def sendmail( text ) return unless @smtp_host begin require 'net/smtp' Net::SMTP.start( @smtp_host, @smtp_port ) do |smtp| smtp.ready( @author_mail, @mail_receivers ) do |adapter| adapter.write( text ) end end rescue end end def to_mime( str ) NKF::nkf( "-j -m0 -f50", str ).collect do |s| %Q|=?ISO-2022-JP?B?#{[s.chomp].pack( 'm' ).gsub( "\n", '' )}?=| end end end class TDiaryMonth < TDiaryView def initialize( cgi, rhtml ) super begin date = Time::local( *@cgi['date'][0].scan( /^(\d{4})(\d\d)$/ )[0] ) d1 = @date.dup.gmtime if @date d2 = date.dup.gmtime if not @date or d1.year != d2.year or d1.month != d2.month then @date = date transaction( @date, @diaries = {} ) do diary = false @diary = @diaries[@diaries.keys.sort.reverse[0]] if referer? and @diary then @diary.add_referer( @cgi.referer ) dirty = true end dirty end end rescue ArgumentError, NameError raise TDiaryError, 'bad date' end end protected def cache_file( prefix ) "#{prefix}#{@rhtml.sub( /month/, @date.strftime( '%Y%m' ) ).sub( /\.rhtml$/, '.rb' )}" end end class TDiaryLatest < TDiaryView def initialize( cgi, rhtml ) super ym = latest_month unless @date then @date = ym ? Time::local( ym[0], ym[1] ) : Time::now transaction( @date, @diaries = {} ) do @diary = @diaries[@diaries.keys.sort.reverse[0]] false end end if ym then y = ym[0].to_i m = ym[1].to_i oldest = oldest_month calc_diaries_size while ( oldest and @diaries_size < @latest_limit ) date = if m == 1 then Time::local( y -= 1, m = 12 ) else Time::local( y, m -= 1 ) end break if date < Time::local( *oldest ) transaction( date ) do |diaries| @diaries.update( diaries ) calc_diaries_size false end end end end protected def calc_diaries_size @diaries_size = 0 @diaries.each_value do |diary| @diaries_size += 1 if diary.visible? end end def latest( limit = 5 ) idx = 0 @diaries.keys.sort.reverse_each do |date| break if idx >= limit diary = @diaries[date] next unless diary.visible? yield diary idx += 1 end end def cache_file( prefix ) "#{prefix}#{@rhtml.sub( /\.rhtml$/, '.rb' )}" end end